
London Chronicles - Day 2 - London

MAY 2          Second day in London. Got up and had breakfast. Went to the Newbury station and caught the 9:56 to London Paddington station. From there I caught the Bakerloo line to Oxford circus. From where I caught the Central line train to Gants hills to my uncle B alaji P rabhu's residence for the next 4 days. There along with another chitappa, K annan P alanivelu , I set out to G ants hill. From there we caught a train to Stratford,where we interchanged for the Northern line to London Bridge. The station was near the London bridge as per the name. But the tower bridge was on the other side. So we had to walk to the other side. There were hawkers selling caramel peanuts which we had two times. Then we had a walk on the epic bridge which is a part of the rhyme everyone in the world , from about 2-year old, are familiar with. The bridge gets lifted for a ship after which I had a walk around to reach London bridge. From there we took the same line to Waterlo

London Chronicles - Day 1 - Travel

MAY 1 6:00AM IST Got up so early to catch my flight. It was my first time I was traveling alone. Everyone was getting ready to drop me off. It was not only for me but for everyone especially my sister who wont be seeing me for a month. I packed my bags the day before with the help of my parents. I had a bath,dressed up and came down.  Huh! no more holidays till March 2019,so I had to make the most of it. I had a breakfast of egg dosa which I could not complete as it was gettin g late. Finall y,everyone got in the car and the car went into the dr ive gear. 8:00AM Reached airport. Waved everyone who still were not sure and were afraid that I was gonna goof up and were waiting. I had my bags checked and got my boarding passes. I then went and stood in the long line for immigration.  The fellow asked for my passport and my OCI card. After I cleared that, I waved to my family for the last time for a  month. My flight UL122[Srilankan]was supposed to fly from gate 14. It was a he